Monday, August 24, 2009

Dear Best School Ever,

I mean, I love you and all, but your just so big. Lil freshman like me get lost.
Also, my dorm is SO FAR OFF CAMPUS. But that's okay, because it's 
And also, thank you very much for aggie icecream. It is delicious:) 

And NOW, Guess who I love<3

The Devil Wears Prada:)
Oh no big deal, just the BEST BAND EVER!

Guess Who I Miss:(

My awesome sister. I love you! 
See you in a couple of weeks. It shall be epic.

Taking My Own Advice:

People tell me to  cherish college. So, that's what i'm gonna do. 
PS. I know it's spelt wrong, I didn't make it. 

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ya Know What Stanks?

When you forget to pack your awesome fake glasses. DANG IT!

Things I've Been Doing In Utah

Shopped in Park City and saw John Gosslin
(off of John and Kate Plus 8)
Hiked Lisa Falls
                                              Staying in my uncles HUGE cabin at Bear Lake
                                                ps I found this off of google images but I swear 
                                                       this was taken off of the balcony. 

So far that's basically it. But all I really wanna do is move in!
Miss all of you guys in Texas!


So Sorry for the leap of absence. I should probably learn to get better at the blogging business. 
Anywho... guess what?! It's move in day tomorrow! And I am VERY excited to start my life as an aggie:)