Monday, November 30, 2009

10 People I Hate For Various Reasons:

1. All BYU students/ fans. (Except Megan Thompson.)
2. One of my weird roommates.
3. Tim Tebow.
4. Megan Fox.
5. All of Cy Woods Staff. (Except Mr. Vance.)
6. Kim Jung Il.
7. Nancy Pelosi.
8. Michael Moore.
9. Flava Flave.
10. Victoria from Twilight.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I love you:)

Twelve Days till I get to come home!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Colt McCoy<3

Dear Colt-y, even though I do not go to your school, I would very much appreciate it if we could still get married. I love you and I would love you even MORE if you BTHO of Texas ATM... I don't like them ever since they beat Utah State.

Happy Thanksgiving!

What ever happened to cornucopias?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Top of the Christmas List...

PLEASE! It gets cold in Logan, Utah.

Friday, November 20, 2009


So I saw New Moon at the midnight premiere last night and let me just say...
IT WAS AMAZING! So much better done then Twilight. Edward and Bella weren't awkward like they were in the first movie and the acting DEFINITELY improved. The movie had all of the main points the book had in it, and I felt like it did a fantastic job including everythig that was needed for a great movie. Taylor Lautner aka Jacob- please marry me. Leave Taylor Swift and come to Jessica! I love you. And... Edward looked smoooookin fine in the movie, hotter then i've EVER seen him. Go see New Moon!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sea Lamprey.

aka. Kassi Hargrove.

I LOVE Glee.

Puck and Finn: Come to me;)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Grandpa: "You can quote me on this";
"Our Secretary of State is a witch."
Me: "Just so you know, you will be featured in my blog tonight."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rest In Peace

I wish i would of spent more time with my grandpa. He was a great man who honestly cared about his children and grandchildren. I was hoping to spend more time with him when I came up here for school but sadly, I can't do that more. I love him and I know that he is safe, happy and healthy in heaven, where he belongs.
Love you Grandpa T.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Buy me this.

Monday, November 2, 2009
